
How to Stop Feeling Hungry All The Time
How to Stop Feeling Hungry All The Time
Frequent hunger is felt by many individuals and can have a big impact on a person's health and lifestyle. This article looks at tips for dealing with it, including recognising whether hunger is physical or emotional.
5 min.
Chlorophyll Supplements: Benefits and Side Effects
Chlorophyll Supplements: Benefits and Side Effects
Chlorophyll is known primarily as a green dye involved in the process of photosynthesis. However, its consumption is also proclaimed as a miracle for the human body. Find out what is true and other interesting facts in this article!
4 min.
Metabolic Age: Valuable Health Insight or Just Hype?
Metabolic Age: Valuable Health Insight or Just Hype?
Have you heard of metabolic age, or have you ever had it measured? What can this figure tell you about your health, and is it accurate?
5 min.
Visceral Fat: How To Measure and Reduce Health Risks
Visceral Fat: How To Measure and Reduce Health Risks
Excess body fat is associated with a high risk of developing certain serious diseases. But do you know why? Because fat tissue is not only "extra pounds", it also affects the metabolic processes in the body.
5 min.
Shilajit: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Shilajit: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Shilajit, a brownish‑black powder originating primarily from the Himalayas, offers a wide range of potential benefits with its long history in traditional medicine! In addition to these, this article also discusses its history and processing, along with possible risks.
5 min.
Low Impact Exercise: Effective Way to Improve Your Fitness Level
Low Impact Exercise: Effective Way to Improve Your Fitness Level
Low‑impact exercise is a workout designed to put minimal stress on your joints, ligaments and tendons. This makes it an ideal choice not only for beginners but also for older individuals or those recovering from surgery or recovery. This article will introduce the basic benefits along with the different forms!
5 min.
5 Herbs to Ease Menstrual Cramps
5 Herbs to Ease Menstrual Cramps
Menstruation can sometimes make life pretty uncomfortable - that's why in this new article you'll find 5 herbs that have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle and will help you relieve the unwelcome symptoms of PMS.
5 min.
How to Choose The Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss
How to Choose The Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss
During weight loss, protein maintains muscle mass. What protein is ideal to choose for your diet?
4 min.
The 8 Best Probiotic Foods
The 8 Best Probiotic Foods
Not only dietary supplements contain high amounts of probiotic cultures. Which foods are among the richest natural probiotics?
6 min.
Yo-Yo Dieting: Negative Effects and How to Avoid Them?
Yo-Yo Dieting: Negative Effects and How to Avoid Them?
The yo‑yo effect is the nightmare of anyone trying to lose weight — but did you know that it's not just an aesthetic issue, but also a health concern? So, how can you avoid the yo‑yo effect?
6 min.
Curcumin: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Curcumin: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Curcumin is considered to be one of the most potent substances contained in the spice turmeric. How can it affect human health? What quantities should be consumed, and are there any side effects?
5 min.
Should You Exercise on an Empty Stomach?
Should You Exercise on an Empty Stomach?
Thinking about exercising on an empty stomach? Although it may seem like an effective method initially, this may not always be the case. This article explores the common myths and facts associated with this (still) popular practice.
6 min.
Milk Thistle: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Milk Thistle: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Milk thistle is one of the herbs traditionally used for more than 1000 years. Do you know its main benefits?
4 min.
How to Calculate and Set Your Calorie Deficit?
How to Calculate and Set Your Calorie Deficit?
A calorie deficit is the basis of successful weight loss. But what do we mean by this concept, and how do we put this knowledge into practice?
6 min.
Intra Workout Supplements for Better Performance
Intra Workout Supplements for Better Performance
Intra Workout is a sports drink designed to be sipped during training. The main goal is to improve performance, delay fatigue and promote muscle recovery. Discover the effects of Intra Workout and take your progress to the next level.
7 min.
How to Stimulate Bowel Movement?
How to Stimulate Bowel Movement?
Although gastroenterological disorders affect a significant proportion of the population, they are not talked about very often. It can also be a taboo topic (even among close friends or family members). To help you, this article will answer as many questions as possible about healthy digestion!
5 min.
How to Choose The Best Protein Bar
How to Choose The Best Protein Bar
There are candy bars everywhere! Plus, a lot of them call themselves "protein" bars. But how many of them have the right to say that, and how can we tell?
3 min.
5 Nootropics for Focus and Concentration
5 Nootropics for Focus and Concentration
Some plant extracts have been used for centuries for their positive effects on the brain. We have selected 5 of the most effective extracts, whose effects on cognitive function have been studied in scientific experiments. What are they?
5 min.
Maca: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Maca: What It Is, Effects and Dosage
Maca peruviana is one of the popular extracts traditionally used to support vitality and brain function. How to choose the right kind and what is the dosage?
4 min.
Granola vs Muesli: What Are The Best Breakfast Cereals?
Granola vs Muesli: What Are The Best Breakfast Cereals?
Imagine you have 2 bowls of cereal in front of you. One has chocolate balls with milk, and the other has granola with milk. Which one do you choose? Is the difference in these foods really that great? And does it really matter?
4 min.
Chelated Minerals: The Most Absorbable Supplement Form
Chelated Minerals: The Most Absorbable Supplement Form
The chelated form of minerals is not a well‑known quantity in our country. The reason is simple: it is easier for the dietary supplement manufacturer to prepare a dietary supplement for customers when the mineral is bound in an organic or inorganic form.
3 min.
7 Energy Boosting Coffee Alternatives
7 Energy Boosting Coffee Alternatives
Is there any way to replace your favourite coffee? Yes! We've got 7 coffee alternatives that will reliably inject a new dose of energy into your veins. Which ones are they?
5 min.
Adaptogens for Anxiety and Stress Relief
Adaptogens for Anxiety and Stress Relief
Adaptogens are known for their support for more effective stress management. What are the mechanisms behind which they work in the body, and which substances are actually backed by research?
6 min.
Green Foods: What Are the Benefits of Chlorella and Spirulina?
Green Foods: What Are the Benefits of Chlorella and Spirulina?
Few dietary supplements have gained such popularity among people as the popular green foods led by chlorella and spirulina. What effect do these green foods have on our bodies, and how can they improve our quality of life?
5 min.