Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

Gift Voucher
Discount codeSAMPLE1234
The voucher is valid until 19 Jan 2026
and can be redeemed at

For example: happy birthday to James. Dedication is optional and can be up to 120 characters.

Price £100.00
Pieces: 1

Total Amount: £100.00


Terms of Use

  1. The gift voucher is valid for 1 year after its purchase. Expiration date is written on the gift voucher. Validity of the gift voucher can not be prolonged.
  2. Gift voucher code is unique and can be used for one order only. Amount of the order must be higher or equal to the gift voucher value, otherwise the gift voucher can not be used.
  3. Gift voucher can not be used for any transportation charges.
  4. Gift voucher can be used for online purchase only by entering its number on Gift vouchers can't be currently redeemed in our stores.
  5. Gift vouchers can't be paid back or exchanged for another gift voucher. When returning products, a new gift voucher is created - its value equals to returned products.

In case of any other question, please contact us on , we'll be happy to answer them.