
Products: 5
Vilgain Zinc
Vilgain Zinc ⁠–⁠ Zinc bisglycinate, immunity support, hormonal balance, 100% RHP in 1 capsule
90 capsules
Vilgain Magnesium and Zinc
Vilgain Magnesium and Zinc ⁠–⁠ support of physical performance, enriched with vitamin B6 and copper, minerals in chelate bonds
90 capsules
Vilgain Zinc
Vilgain Zinc ⁠–⁠ Zinc bisglycinate, immunity support, hormonal balance, 100% RHP in 1 capsule
200 capsules
Vilgain Immunity Booster
Vilgain Immunity Booster ⁠–⁠ 12 natural substances to support immunity and immunity, contains antioxidants and beta-glucans, ideal in autumn or during periods of reduced immunity
90 capsules
Vilgain Everyday Vitality
🎄Gift Set
Vilgain Everyday Vitality ⁠–⁠ gift set packed with essential supplements to support everyday health
1 piece

Zinc Supplements

Zinc is essential for the normal function of all human cells, playing a direct and indirect role in up to 300 biochemical reactions. Its primary functions include:

  • Supporting immune system function;
  • Maintaining healthy bones, nails, hair, and skin;
  • Promoting normal fertility and potency;
  • Aiding skin regeneration and wound healing;
  • Supporting normal nutrient metabolism;
  • Helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

Zinc is one of the most important elements, yet our body cannot produce or store it, making it necessary to consume adequate amounts regularly through food or supplements.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency?

Those at higher risk of zinc deficiency include pregnant women, teenagers, athletes, individuals with chronic illness, and vegans or vegetarians. Common symptoms include:

  • Increased acne;
  • Poor skin, hair, and nail quality;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Reduced performance and low energy;
  • Digestive issues.

How to Take Zinc Supplements?

The recommended daily dose of zinc is around 10 mg. In special cases, such as acne treatment or injury, higher doses may be used, usually following a doctor’s advice.

Long‑term, it’s important to avoid excessive zinc intake, as this can cause digestive issues or even weaken immunity. An excess of zinc can also interfere with the absorption of other minerals, particularly copper and iron.

Zinc in Food

Zinc is naturally present in both animal and plant sources. The richest sources include red meat, shellfish, fish, and dairy products. Plant sources worth mentioning are legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

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