Not drinking or limiting alcohol but looking for a fancy drink on New Year's Eve? Then you've come to the right place! How about trying this watermelon mojito? And you know what's really cool about it? It's got 22g of protein per serving thanks to our Clear Whey Isolate protein shake, so it 'll fill you up during the evening too. And that's what you want! ✨
Nutrition (1 serving)
- 105 kcal
- 4 g carbohydrates
- 22 g protein
Per 1 portion
- 50 g watermelon
- 25 g Clear Whey Isolate
- 250 ml water
- mint
- xylitol
- lime juice
- ice
Cut the melon into smaller cubes. -
Put the cubes in the bottom of the glass, add some fresh mint, a pinch of xylitol and the juice of a lime (the amount of xylitol and lime is up to your taste preferences). Mash everything well.
The following is the preparation of the protein limchi. Just mix Clear Whey Isolate with water in a shaker and add to the watermelon mixture in a glass.
Top with ice, add mint leaves and cheers!