Banana Ice Coffee

10 min.
Banana Ice Coffee

For lovers of summer coffee drinks, here's a recipe you'll absolutely love on these hot days. You can easily prepare it at home for a fraction of the price of the one from the coffee shop. With ingredients you know 100% of their origin, you'll soon be enjoying a perfectly creamy coffee that kicks. ⚡️

Shop ingredients

Nutrition (1 serving)

  • 120 kcal
  • 24 g carbohydrates
  • 2,5 g fats
  • 2 g protein

Per 2 portions

For the banana cream:
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 200 ml oat milk
For coffee:


  1. Banana Ice CoffeeFirst, brew the coffee: mix 2 teaspoons of instant coffee with warm water (NOT boiling, so the coffee doesn't burn) and let it cool.

  2. Put the banana in a blender with the ice and milk and blend everything together until smooth.

    *tip: put the bananas in the freezer beforehand to make the cream even creamier and colder. You can also add a few drops of vanilla extract or stevia drops to the cream for a more intense flavour.

  3. Put ice cubes in a glass, about 100 ml of coffee and then carefully pour the banana cream over the ice.

    And we can enjoy, so cheers!Banana Ice Coffee

Products used in the recipe

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