Vilgain Freeze Dried Wild Blackberries

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73 Ratings

Great and addictive 😂

I always put it in yoghurt. However, it is sold out and not available now. It says it will be in stock today. I'm already going through withdrawal, it's so delicious! I hope it will be available soon!!!! A little wait and waaaan!!! And it's here!!!! I ordered 12 packages!!!! Yuppppiiii!

Taste fine. A little stains the mouth and hands.

They just got dusty

Great for granola, topping cookies or just on its own. Spectacular and fino too. I love it!

taste good, just a pity that half was on the dust

Hi Anton, you shouldn't get your blackberries like that :( I've emailed you to see if we can look at the product together. Have a nice day

Great! In porridge or just like that!

Super crispiness, definitely recommend.

Cool foam texture