Vilgain Chicory Syrup
answered questions
How much fructose and glucose does Vilgain Chicory Syrup contain per 100 g? And how much inulin?
Hello, the composition is attached below:
Oligofructose (a higher form of inulin) 93,2 - 97,5 g/100 g dry matter
Glucose + fructose + sucrose 2,5 - 6,8 g/100 g dry matter.
Have a nice day,
If enzymatic cleavage of inulin into fructose and glucose takes place, then the end product, the syrup, no longer contains inulin, but fructose and glucose. Do I see that correctly? And the 69 grams of fiber per 100 grams of syrup are not made up of inulin either, are they?
Hello, yes, you understand correctly. When inulin is broken down enzymatically, the resulting product no longer contains the inulin itself, but e.g. oligofructose and simpler sugars (such as fructose, glucose).
Have a nice day,