146 Ratings

Nice, but there were few of them, I almost gave it with the wrapper.

Sweet just right 🙂 and beautifully crunchy. They are much better and tastier than the sugar-sweetened ones. Definitely not the last time I bought them 👍🏼

Great that they are unsweetened

Delicious, crispy and not overcooked. Tasty even for my son, who doesn't like bananas

crispy, tasty and a great snack

Delicious and they don't even lack sugar :)

Delicious and crunchy, the sweetness was perfect for me, next time I will try unsweetened for comparison EDIT: We also like the unsweetened version very much

Really very good 😊

Bananas are unsweetened, we were surprised that they are still very tasty

They meet what's on the package, but they didn't impress anyone here, they are completely tasteless... but they crisp up nicely, we throw them on top of some porridge.