Vilgain Vitamin D3
answered questions
Can I ask if it is better to take vit.D in the morning or in the evening?
Hello, vitamin D is generally best taken in the morning or during the day, ideally with a meal that contains fat. Vitamin D is fat-soluble, so taking it with food increases its absorption. Thank you for your question and have a nice day!
Hello, can children take it?(12 years old) Thank you.
Hello Matěj, vitamin D can be taken by children aged 12 years, we recommend a maximum of 1 capsule per day. Have a nice rest of the day.
Hello, you write that the capsules are vegan, but what is your source of deca? Thank you
11 months ago
Ahoj Kláro, vitamin D3 je vyrobený z patentované suroviny Vitashine. Zdrojem je tedy lišejník. Krásný den :).
Hello, I have read that D should be taken together with vit. K, otherwise supplementing with vit. D I can get problems (calcification of blood vessels) after some time of taking it. Will you be making D+K as well? Thank you for your comments.
Hi Theresa, thank you for the information. We are not planning such a product for now, but we are happy to consider this combination :).
is true
Yes, we are already in production. Here is the link:
Have a nice day :-)
Hello, can I also give it to children?
One is 14 and the other is 9,5 years old
Thank you
Hi, thank you for asking. Vitamins can be taken by both children, we just recommend a maximum of 1 capsule per day. Have a nice advent :).
Hello, can the capsule be opened and drunk?
Hello, yes, as it is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is recommended to be taken together with another source of fat. Have a nice advent.