530 Ratings

A good alternative to rods.

Excellent :)

You can tell that the cookie contains a solid dose of protein. A filling, ideal snack after sports. I rate the flavour positively, it could be a bit more chocolatey. :-)

So far one of the best protein cookies I've ever had. I don't feel the aftertaste of protein, only the caramel version was so caked on the surface.

Yummy and filling

quite chewy, quite a lot of macadam.nuts, that's fine, but it lies in the stomach, too much fiber..

The biscuit is filling, good, but nothing I need to have all the time :) Ideal for travelling, soft texture

This double chocolate cake is OBVIOUS! Well delicious, plus it's protein packed. I for sure will buy again. :) Snickerdoodle flavor is another deliciousness, you can smell cinnamon and quite strongly, so for cinnamon fans, it's a shot in 10.;) This is my favorite protein candy! ❤️

The biscuits are delicious, crumbly and soft. It tastes a bit like autumn and Christmas to me.

Goodness! Like okay, it doesn't taste like a cookie, but that's not exactly what we expect from healthy alternatives, is it? 😇 It doesn't taste like a protein cookie either, which is a plus. It's just so yummy. I'm very satisfied - it tastes great, the cookie is soft and it's really filling.