Vilgain Creatine Creapure®

answered questions
Hello I would like some advice.My son is 16 years old and wants to go to the gym twice a week is it good to take creatine? I have no experience with this if it is necessary to take it regularly or only when he does sports. Thank you very much for your advice
Hello. The recommended daily intake of creatine capsules is 6 capsules, how many grams of creatine does that equate to? Because not everyone needs the same amount of creatine. Thanks for the answer
Hello, it seems to me that Creapure creatine dissolves poorly in smaller amounts of water (250ml glass). Is it possible to add it to a jug of water about 1,5l and drink it during the day or is it necessary to drink it all at once? Thank you in advance for the answer.
Hello, can creatine be mixed into, for example, breakfast cereal?
Hello, is creatine suitable to take when I don't want to gain muscle but rather want to increase my running performance? I run 4-5 times a week. Thank you Dana
What does 4/5 spoon mean? "Four-fifths"? "Four or five"?
Hello, I want to ask if I take only one tablet a day, whether it will have any effect or not. Thank you.
Please, how do I know 4/5 of a scoop? There's no risk
Take 4 tbl when? I'm a beginner. Thank you
Good, son 14 years old top athlete.. i want to ask if creatine can hurt him? Or what is wrong with using it at that age? Weight 65 kg he is very strong and athletic he plays football I want to put it on for a month in the summer and winter always over preparation prim on dosage at his weight. He takes besides protein magnesium vitamin d+K2 he has a varied healthy diet. He trains 2 a day through preparation we will go 2 heavy training one football. Please recommend which creatine? Whether the vilgain or reflex both have excellent reviews.