Rachel Clarke

Favourite products

Vilgain Granola
Vilgain Granola ⁠–⁠ flakes and nuts baked into big crunchy clusters, a simple snack and the basis for a nutritious breakfast
Maple pecan 400 g
Vilgain Plant Protein Granola
Vilgain Plant Protein Granola ⁠–⁠ freshly baked, enriched with high quality vegetable protein, large crispy pieces
Coconut choco nuts 350 g
Vilgain Organic Vegan Sugo
Vilgain Organic Vegan Sugo ⁠–⁠ sauce from juicy Italian tomatoes, with extra virgin olive oil
With pine nuts 180 g
Vilgain Nutritional Yeast
Vilgain Nutritional Yeast ⁠–⁠ 50 % protein, vegan, cheesy taste
100 g
Vilgain Organic Coconut Bar
Vilgain Organic Coconut Bar ⁠–⁠ RAW coconut bar with almonds, sweetened with flower honey from Italy, ultra clean ingredients, gluten free
30 g
Vilgain Flaxseeds
Temporarily sold out
Vilgain Flaxseeds ⁠–⁠ high in valuable omega-3s and without additives
500 g