answered questions
Hello, Cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds contain phytic acid, which binds to minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium) and reduces their absorption. The enzyme phytase helps to break down this acid and thus improve the utilization of these minerals from food. I would like to ask if your digestive enzymes contain phytase? I don't see it in the ingredients, but it is possible that it is part of some complex mixture. Thank you very much for your reply.
Hello, is the supplement suitable for people with celiac disease? Thank you
Hello, is it possible to pour out the contents of the capsule and mix with water if I have trouble swallowing the tablets or is it necessary to swallow the whole capsule intact? Thank you
Hello, can this product be used by a child who is 7,5 years old? He suffers from latose intolerance. Thank you
Hello, Can I take it with Greens mix? Thank you
Hello, is it possible to use with Vilgain Probiotics? Thank you.
Hello, I would like to ask about comparing the content of each ingredient with another product. For example, the bromelain content (you list 3GDU here) which is listed at 600 GDU in 40mg per capsule in Digestive Magic. How can I please compare the two products? Thank you
Can I have coffee with milk after lunch when I take the capsule? Thank you :)
Hello, is it necessary to use them directly with food or will they also help after a meal when the problem has already occurred?
Hello, can my 13 year old daughter take this product?