answered questions
Hi, I just wanted to ask if I can combine this magnesium with your focus energy powder. Thank you for your reply.
Hello, I am satisfied with the product, only the size of the measuring cup is not clear to me. According to the instructions, the recommended serving size is 6,5g, but if I use the measuring cup that was included in the package, it is more than 10.
Hello, I have daughters 9 years old and 6 years old, I am interested in the dosage for children. Thank you.
Hello, I have a green apple flavor - incredibly good. Unfortunately, after about 3 weeks after opening, it is not possible to drink it dissolved and I no longer feel anything pleasant from the pixel. I store in a standard place like proteins etc. Any experience? I don't see a difference in appearance, but the taste is really bad... :(
Hello, is your daughter 13 years old? She goes to a sports class, has enough training and sometimes complains of muscle cramps, thank you
Hello. I take MB in capsules from you. I am considering this Drink and I want to ask if I can take Vitamins for Her from you together with the Drink. :) plus I have an autoimmune disease so I am asking you before I consult a doctor.
Hello, is it also suitable for pregnancy? Thank you
Hello, I would like to ask when is the best time to use this drink? Should I drink it right after a meal or take it outside of a meal?