
Products: 1
Vilgain Melatonin Spray
Vilgain Melatonin Spray ⁠–⁠ faster sleep onset and improved sleep quality, in a convenient spray form with a mango flavour
Mango 30 ml

Melatonin for sleeping

Melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, is naturally produced in the human body in response to light - it changes based on the time of day and season. Melatonin is central to the proper functioning of the internal biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness. Its deficiency in the body causes sleep problems.

Although lifestyle factors such as stress management, regular sleep routine, etc. play a major role in solving these problems, in extreme cases it is possible to resort to appropriate dietary supplements for sleep.

Effects of melatonin

The main effect of melatonin is to reduce the time required to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep. Melatonin also has antioxidant and anti‑inflammatory effects. It may also reduce the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Dietary supplements with melatonin are suitable for alleviating symptoms associated with jet lag and for shift workers. They also serve people with problems falling asleep.

Although long‑term use of melatonin is considered safe, its supplementation should not compensate for long‑term poor sleep hygiene. You can read how to improve your sleep in our article 9 tips to improve sleep.

Melatonin dosage

According to SÚKL, from March 2023, preparations with melatonin in a daily dose higher than 0,5 mg fall under the category of pharmaceuticals. The recommended daily dose for a dietary supplement is therefore a maximum of 0,5 mg of melatonin. To purchase preparations with higher melatonin content, a doctor should be consulted. A good time to take melatonin is about 30 minutes before going to bed.

An alternative to melatonin is supplementation with tryptophan or 5‑HTP, which are involved in melatonin production. Cherry juice is considered one of the best sources of melatonin from the normal diet and is also used in natural dietary supplements.

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