answered questions
Hello, How many mg of flavonoids does a gram of powder contain?
Can I ask for tests for heavy metals and the amount of flavonoids?
The product description states that the cocoa comes from Peru, but the packaging states 'Country of origin:Ghana and Ivory Coast'. Could you please clarify this for me?
The description of the product states that it is from controlled organic farming, but the ingredient list indicates that it is no longer organic. Can you give me information on whether this cocoa powder is organic or not?
Hello, is the cocoa tested for heavy metals?
Please, can you find out from the supplier information about heavy metals in cocoa? Do you have those values documented from the laboratory?
Hello, I wanted to ask how it is possible that the last cocoa I bought tastes completely different from the one I bought from you. It tastes like green tea or something similar, but not at all like the good cocoa I've had before. Thank you.
Can I just ask how it is possible that the cocoa is reduced fat even if it is unroasted?
Which cocoa is better? This or full-fat?